Rule-based XML

Rules about XML in XML To Support Litigation Regarding Contracts



Computer Science, Western Illinois University, USA



Abstract. Legal contracts and litigation documents common to the American legal system were

encoded in the eXtensible Markup Language (XML). XML also represents rules about the contracts

and litigation procedure. In addition to an expert system tool that allows one to make inferences with

that engine, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) generates the XML representing the rules. A rulebase

is developed by marking up examples of the XML to be interpreted and the XML to be generated,

analogously to Query By Example. This article provides a broader context of the synergy between

XML and artificial intelligence by including discussions of: (1) the role of Artificial Intelligence in

handling routine litigation; (2) how the use of XML enables legal expert systems to get their ‘input’

without the user having to enter the same information again for the expert system; (3) the advantages

of XML markup over other forms of markup for documents; (4) the relationship between XML and

ontologies; (5) other projects using XML with rules or legal affairs.

Key words: civil procedure, contact, expert system, graphical user interface, litigation, rules, XML



1. The setting

Some of the work that court personnel, litigation attorneys, prosecutors, and defense

attorneys perform with documents is routine. If the documents such as

motions, indictments, and presentencing reports are coded, computer systems in

each of these offices can generate new documents. Decisions that do not require

judgment or discretion can be made by rules. Information, such as the defendant’s

name or the amount of the prayer, can be transferred from a place on one form to

a place on another form automatically. Information that was located and placed in

a document by one party to the case can be extracted by another party and placed

in their software. Then their software can put it into documents that they produce

without reentering the data or information.

Several recent developments have made the time ripe for applying computers

to automate this routine work in the courts, saving staff costs and reducing errors.

The Legal XML Standards organization has developed standards for court filing

(Halvorsen 2001) and a basic XML standard for court documents. The former is

actively used, particularly in the (Georgia State Interoperability Project 2001). It

provides an envelope containing information needed to populate the records of the

_ Laurence L. Leff, Associate Professor of Computer Science, Western Illinois University, Stipes

447, 1 University Circle, Macomb IL 61455, USA.


case management system for the new filing. Legal XML Court Filing submissions

contain the pleading, motion, order, etc. as an attachment. The receiving court

decodes it and puts it in their document management system.

The Court Document Standard (Abdulaziz et al. 2001) is a representation of

legal documents. It has places to store the case caption, signature block, and certificate

of service – all common in many different legal documents. It also has

markup for paragraphs and lists. In particular, there are tags for ‘machine data’

which is information intended to be exchanged or examined by software such as

the rules described below.

This is an appropriate place to emphasize that this report represents an effort for

automating routine actions only. Those actions that require human discretion, that

involve ‘open texture’ problems as described in Gardner (1987), are not helped by

the techniques described here.

1.1. WHY XML?

XML is a standard promulgated by the World Wide Web Consortium for the exchange

of structured information. This structured information includes purchase

orders, health care insurance claims, accountant’s reports, specifications of steel

available for purchase or sale, and real estate lending/leasing information. The

Gartner group estimates that seventy-five percent of business-to-business electronic

transmissions will be done using XML (Lemke 2000).

The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is the universal format for structured

documents and data. It is frequently used in business-to-business electronic commerce.

According to the survey conducted by Wall Street & Technology, more than

40 percent of Fortune 500 companies have already implemented an XML strategy,

with more than 35 percent planning to do so in the next year (Anonymous 2001).

An alternative to XML is electronically submitting court filings in formats such

as Adobe’s Portable Document Format or as Microsoft Word Documents without

tags. However, it would be difficult for a programmer to write software to extract

information. Even a simple task like locating the case number or plaintiff’s name in

the case caption might require artificial intelligence. This is because each submitter

might use slightly different mechanisms to format this, even though the documents

would look the same when printed.

Note that Adobe has introduced a new technology called XMP, which combines

Portable Document Format and XML. This allows these PDF documents to contain

XML tags that can be read by software processing a workflow (Adobe 2001).

1.1.1. An aside on DTDs

An XML file has ‘tags’ to delimit information and establish a hierarchical structure.

XML software, called a parser, can quickly locate these tags to extract this information

or make its hierarchy available to the application program. A key feature of

XML is the ability to define structure, nesting, spelling of the tag names, or markup


in a document. Usually, this is done with a DTD. A standards organization for

an industry, such as the Organization for the Advanced of Structured Information

Standards (OASIS) Legal XML Section, prepares a DTD for a type of document.

An application program that accepts that type of document submits the XML and

the DTD to a validating parser to see if the XML is ‘valid’, i.e., obeys the DTD.

This validation is most useful for those companies that receive XML files from

many partners. As each file comes in, it can be checked with a one-line call to

a validating parser, to ensure that the partner did not have a bug in the program

that created the XML. This protects their subsequent processes from the problems

caused by bad data in the system. XML Schema provides all of the validation

capabilities of DTDs. However, Schema allows for types of validation for which

DTDs do not provide.

For example, the Court Document Standard 1.0 and its DTD ensure that all

complying court documents would be marked up with tags around such information

as the plaintiff’s name, the defendant’s address, and the information that would

normally appear in a signature block or certificate of service. Programs at the court

would send motions to the validating parser. After ensuring that the motion truly

followed the standard, it could pull the information out of the XML representing

court documents.


When one does not mark up the documents in some fashion, such as by XML, it

diminishes the potential economic advantages of a legal expert system. In many of

the reports of implementation of expert systems for legal processing (e.g., Woodin

2001), the rules do not ‘look at’ at the documents in the case. Thus, a person

wanting to use these expert systems must read the document and then enter the

appropriate information into the system. Many law firms, government legal of-

fices, and law departments of large corporations use document assembly. After

suitable configuration and programming, the person drafting a legal document can

choose alternatives from lists, enter the text that corresponds to a placeholder such

as ‘Name of Defendant’, or respond to pre-programmed questions. The software

then drafts the appropriate document. The configuration of the document assembly

software can include logic or rules that could advise on the law of many jurisdictions.

Some have already been used to generate a set of documents that comprised

hundreds of pages. Some document assembly applications would be considered

artificial intelligence (Lauritsen 1992; Lauritsen and Soudakoff 1998; Capstone

Practice Systems 2001).

In litigation, documents are exchanged. Without a markup, it is difficult to extract

information from documents produced from the document assembly system

at one lawyer’s office so that it can be fed into the expert system at another lawyer’s

office. Extracting such data would involve a major artificial intelligence project.


In a civil case, a plaintiff may submit a complaint containing a prayer for money

damages. If the prayer was marked up as XML, the amount of money specified in

the prayer could be transferred to the court’s computers for use in preparing the

judgment. Or, it could be extracted by the computer in the defendant’s attorney’s

office for further processing.

Data entry can be a significant issue in whether an expert system is used. In the

implementation ofMYCIN, they found many of the expert system’s questions were

simply transcriptions of lab results. TheMYCIN research group did not implement

a link to the hospital information system containing this information. This was one

of the reasons that the MYCIN system was not clinically implemented (Buchanan

and Shortliffe 1984).

2. Is XML the best way to do this markup?

XML is one of many ways in which information could be marked up. Alternatives

would be EDI or even a structured ASCII format such as a comma-delimited

file. These markup types would allow some reasoning to occur. (Western Illinois

University 2002) shows XML mark up for several forms used in criminal justice.

Artificial intelligence systems could read this XML and perform useful reasoning

such as the comparison of two dates. On the other hand, one could easily imagine

much simpler markup schemes that would allow the same reasoning to occur.

Greenspun (1995) shows the use of an object-oriented database to contain legal

motions including complaints and responses. Here the users enter the legal documents

using forms. XML would have the advantage of exchanging documents

among the parties in the case and the court. With XML, they would not have to use

the same software or the same database.

A DTD for contracts proposed to the Legal XML Contracts Workgroup (Leff

2000a, b) uses the structuring capabilities of XML to allow reasoning about

the conditional structure and temporal relation of clauses. This provides more

information than a simple list of attributes and their values.

The primary feature of the XML contract is a series of clauses and the implication

command. A clause is a unit of obligation and as was pointed out in

the proposal for standardization, any resemblance to the physical formatting of a

conventional contract is purely coincidental.

The clause types would follow an ontology. Currently, the DTD provides for

three clause types:

(1) payment

(2) an electronic act1

(3) a text item which is used for any other type of obligation.

The DTD has attributes to specify the by, to and via for the clause. For example,

the payment clause specifies who is making the payment and who is receiving the

payment. These clauses can be inside an XML markup for an implication. Implications

are used when a party is obligated to do something only when something


happens. It is the contract equivalent of an if-then statement. Implications and conditions

can reference other clauses, and markup is provided for routine temporal

reasoning. Like many proposals within Legal XML, the contract’s preamble includes

specific markup to list all the ‘actors’. This mark up indicates whether each

actor is a person, corporation, or some other type of legal entity. It also provides

basic contact information. The by, to, and via attributes each contain the ‘ID’ of

the appropriate actor.

To illustrate these, Leff (2000b) gives a simple contract marked up in XML (for

delivery of pizza to a picnic.) The parties might agree on a payment amount and

that the pizza would not be needed should it be raining on the date. Two possible

markups were given for this situation; they only differ where the closing tag is for

the conditional. One means that the person would pay for the pizza regardless of

whether it is raining. The other means that the person only pays if it is not raining

and the pizza is delivered.

To contrast, the English for this contract

1. If it is not raining, Acme Pizza will deliver ten boxes of pizza

2. Joan will pay $100.00

is ambiguous as to whether or not Joan is obligated to pay when it is raining and

no pizza is delivered.

Leff (2000c) shows the modelling and markup for a commercial-type contract

for an industrial heating unit to be delivered by Sea-Land Trucking. This was in

response to a challenge on the Legal XML mailing list to use XML to mark up a

conventional contract: The purchaser was specified to pay $1234.56 within 15 days

of delivery. They had one month from the date of delivery to report any problems

with the unit to ‘Mary Lou’. The seller would have one month from the date of

the report to make any needed repairs. If not fixed, that contract was specified as


The process of providing markup makes two improvements in the precision of

the contract. In the above example, specifies what happens should it not be possible

to contact ‘Mary Lou’. She might become unavailable due to severe illness or

death. This is done with the Commercial Infeasibility tag. An automatic reasoning

system, inspired by the exception mechanism in Java or C, would identify when

the contract drafters did not consider such possibilities.

When a contract is ‘voided’, there may be partial performance. For example, the

heating unit may have value as scrap if not working in which case the purchaser

might want to keep it. Conversely, a payment, if any, must be returned. Reasoning

could identify these situations by recognizing that an item was delivered from one

party to the contract to another. From the by and to attributes on the clauses, it also

would recognize that a payment was going in the opposite direction.

All of this reasoning can be done from an analysis of the markup and not from

analyzing the text within the markup.


3. Reasoning and rules with XML

Leff (2001a) demonstrated that much reasoning can be done in contract litigation

using XML, but without analysis of the text. The example proof-of-concept concerned

litigation about a contract for the delivery of goods and services. The seller

was suing for payment after completing the delivery.

The expert system read in the following:

(1) the XML markup of the contract

(2) the XML markup for the complaint that initiated the lawsuit

(3) the XML markup for an affidavit from the plaintiff that they performed the

action specified in the contract: delivered goods

(4) the XML markup for the request for summary judgment.

The expert system matched up the assertion in the contract with the clause with

the contract ID. Thus, the system did not have to deal with the text. Someone would

only need to look at the text if the defendant filed an affidavit that referenced this

clause – perhaps to contradict the statement or to assert that the goods were inferior.

Another rule determined the association between the internal name in the contract

name. It created a ‘fact’. Other rules matched this ‘fact’ against the name in

the XML markup of motions in the case. These motions included a motion for

summary judgment, as well as affidavits asserting that the acts to be performed in

the contract were specified. Details can be found in Leff (2001, 2001a).

Obviously, many cases would depend upon reading of the text and the evidence

proffered. In these cases, it would be necessary to use open texture to resolve the

issues. However, logical reasoning with the clauses of a contract, and the assertions

in the motions in the litigation can resolve or simplify many cases without open

texture. When a complicated contract is involved, they can determine which of the

issues that involve open texture must be resolved to render a verdict.


Leff (2001, 2001a) exemplified writing the XML rules that control the processing

of XML documents themselves in XML. This markup not only includes the rule

structure but how to match the XML and how to generate new XML documents.

As typical, each rule has a left-hand side and right-hand side. These are delineated

by the tags LHS and RHS. These can specify a fact in the underlying expert

system. In this system, the facts have fields, rather than being lists. The unique

feature is that the fact base includes XML. That is, the rules can match on XML in

the fact base, and can generate XML. The LHS contains the snippet of XML that

is to be matched. The RHS contains the XML to be generated.

In the LHS, the rule writer replaces XML attributes by ‘VariableName:nnn’ to

indicate that their value is to go from the attribute in the corresponding position

of an input XML document and be bound to nnn. In the RHS, this same syntax is

used to perform a substitution from the variable into the attribute for that tag in the

same position in the XML generated.


Similarly, one can extract a string from the text part of a tag by using the form

_TextVariable VariableName=“nnn\_ in the LHS. This form can also appear in

the RHS. It specifies that the variable’s bound value is to be put in that location in

the XML generated.

This tool was used in the simulated simple litigation, described above, about a

contract breach. The expert system tool for XML Rules was built on top of the Java

Expert System (Jess). Jess is a forward-chaining expert system using the RETE

engine (Friedman-Hill 1998). It was inspired by CLIPS and the syntax of Jess’s

language is sufficiently similar so that many CLIPS programs run in Jess. Clips,

in turn, was a C-based expert system built at the United States National Aerospace

and Space Agency that was inspired by OPS-5 (Riley 2002). Although Jess has

its own language, it provides an extensive Application Program Interface (API)

to Java programmers. An API is used to integrate the expert system with other

functionality. Java is frequently used to write parsers and other tools for XML, for

example Apache (2002). Thus it seemed natural to develop an expert system for

XML in Java. Each XML file in a directory is converted into Jess facts; there is

one fact per XML tag. These are linked by symbolic reference. The XML rules are

converted to Jess rules. Details of this process can be found in Leff (2000).


Other researchers are integrating XML and rule-based technologies, as well. Business

Rules Markup Language (BRML) allows the expression of rules in XML

(Grosof 99). These rules can be prioritized using a partial ordering to express how

conflicts could be solved. The theory of Courteous Logic Programs provides an

algorithm for searching a set of rules for unresolved conflicts. It also transforms

prioritized rules into an ordinary logic program. Their example showed how expressing

discounts and cancellation policies could be computed for different kinds

of customers.

The RuleML project (Boley 2002) has proposed an XML DTD for the exchange

of rules on the web. Their proposed design and DTD includes queries, as well

as facts and rules. Other efforts include the SweetJess effort which will convert

RuleML into Jess (Ghande 2002). Also, OntoJava reads in Resource Description

Facts, ontologies specified in Resource Description Framework, RuleML rules into

Protégé, as well as integration using a custom java rule engine and a Java database

(Eberhart 2002). Petreley (2002) discusses several products that handle the

propagation of changes of business rules across various projects and applications

using XML.

The METALex project includes XML encoding of the regulations and laws

(Boer 2002). They use both XML and Resource Description Framework, a W3C

standard built on top of XML. This information can be transformed to formats that

can be checked with theorem provers as well as expert system rule engines. This

XML-format is used in querying regulations based upon a factual situation, such as


determining whether a particular ship configuration is in compliance with maritime

regulation (Boer 2002a). The XML format is also transformed into a UML model

used by the E-Power project. This latter project can use this for modeling the

legislation for individual cases or for the entire economy. An example effort is

used by the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration in preparing letters assessing

whether a company’s pension plan is in compliance with pension legislation (van

Engers 2001).



The rule-based transformations are in contrast with XSLT. XSLT allows transformation

of XML into other XML files and into HTML for presentation. Frequently it

is used as a style sheet. This means the XML contains a processing instruction with

the name of an XSLT file. When the browser is pointed at the file, it will display

the HTML generated by the XSLT transformation. And Kay (2000) explains how

XSLT can be coded so it corresponds to rules. But the XML that describes the

document transformation and matching process doesn’t look like the user’s XML

input or user’s XML output documents. And this XSLT is not created by simple

replacements on samples of the input and output documents.

There is one idea which contrasts uniquely with other XML efforts including

rules, style sheets and XML Query Language (W3C 2002). That is the idea of expressing

the XML to be matched and transformed by simply including an example

in the rule and changing a few tags to indicate the general relationship.

4. The editor

The person developing these rules for processing the documents, the user, begins

the task of composing the XML form of the rule base by choosing a sample document

using the ‘Open XML Directory’ Menu. It will appear in the left hand panel.

(See Figure 1.) They use the arrow keys below the panel to select the part that they

wish to move to the left hand side of the new rule. As the user moves within the

XML, the relevant part of the XML tree is displayed in red.

The user then goes to the right hand panel and selects New Rule and New LHS

Check. Then the user selects Move From Sample. The material is moved over and

specifies the part matched.

Then the user marks the parts that they wish to match. They use the buttons:


Figure 1.

Change Variable

Change to Any Content

Change Attribute Variable

They replace the XML from the sample document to use the special markup for

matching. For example, assume the user made a string inside the tag in RED. Pressing

the ‘Change Variable’ button would cause it to be replaced with _TextVariable

VariableName = . . . ”

Now, the user is ready to create the right hand side. They need to select an

exemplar for the XML that will be produced when the rule matches. After loading

this, they can use New RHS Action and Move From Sample to move the relevant

part of the rule. Then, they use the buttons (ChangeVariable, Change to Any

Content, Change Attribute Variable) to mark this up. This time the markup

indicates the places to receive the data that was bound to variables by the LHS.

Lastly, the user clicks Run Expert System to run their new rule base against

the real input.

5. Conclusions and further work

This article’s goal to answer the question, What if documents submitted in the

course of litigation were marked up using XML?


Each participant in the court system would have expert systems monitoring the

documents in the court cases with which they are involved. The examples reported

here show how the XML markup would allow them to do the simpler tasks. Many

of these concerned contracts – if the logical structure of clauses and obligations

was marked up with XML, then simpler problems are handled automatically and

the key issues to be decided in complicated cases can be identified. Tools for developing

and executing the rules are identified and prototypes written by the authors

are introduced.

Of course, XML does not facilitate all Problems – many require ‘open texture’

in the sense of Gardner (1987). Artificial Intelligence applications can be

considered on a continuum from ‘shallow’ to ‘deep’ (Doyle 1996). A tripartite

discretization of this continuum is given by Tyree (1996). Tyree’s web page also

has an excellent explanation why many legal problems are not a straightforward

translation of statutes and cases into black-and-white rules. This work reports on

the techniques for solving those problems that can be done with shallow reasoning

and the justification for doing so.

Only an empirical analysis can determine for sure whether these techniques

can solve significant problems and save a significant percentage of time. Western

Illinois University is applying for grant funding to observe court clerks handling

criminal dockets. The goal is to determine how much time they spend on each

document-related task and by then prototyping, identify potential savings from

XML-based automation.

We have extended the expert system to work with XML transmitted in the

course of electronic commerce as specified by the ebXML standard (Walsh 2002).

Trading partners use ebXML business process specifications to precisely specify

the sequence of XML to be exchanged to form a transaction. Another report will

show end-to-end integration of the XML exchanged in electronic commerce to the

XML exchanged in court documents.


The initial work on using rules in contract litigation was done while the second author

was a Visiting Scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Electronic

Commerce Architecture Project during Summer 2000, in cooperation with Daniel

Greenwood, Lecturer.

James Keane, in a conversation at the November 2000 Legal XML Face-to-

Face, suggested that the use of an XML method to specify the rules.

This paper’s exposition was greatly helped by two anonymous reviewers and

the Western Illinois University Writing Center.



1 Electronic acts were defined referencing the IBM Trading Partner Agreement or an eCo architecture.

Now, such electronic acts could also be defined by referencing a business transaction or business

document in an Extended Business XML Business Process Specification (Walsh 2001).


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