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Representations of Knowledge and Discretionary Decision-

Making by Decision-Support Systems : the Case of Judicial



Cyrus tata, John N. Wilson and Neil Hutton

(University of Strathclyde)

Date of publication on-line : 31 March 1996

Citation: Tata, C , Wilson, J.N.& Hutton, N (1996)

'Representations of Knowledge and Discretionary Decision-

Making by

Decision-Support Systems: the Case of Judicial Sentencing'.

2 The Journal of Information, Law and Technology (JILT).


Representations of Knowledge and Discretionary Decision-

Making by Decision-Support Systems : the Case of Judicial


Cyrus Tata, John N. Wilson and Neil Hutton.

University of Strathclyde

Key words : discretionary legal decision-making, decision-support

systems, judicial sentencing


We are particularly grateful to Professor Alan Paterson for his

sustained and dedicated commitment to the project which this

article describes. We are also indebted to the contributions of

all High Court Judges, but most especially to The Lord Justice-

Clerk, The Rt. Hon. Lord Ross, The Hon. Lord Sutherland, The Hon.

Lord Penrose and The Rt. Hon. Lord Murray, The Rt. Hon. The Lord

McCluskey, as well as Mr. Eric Cumming and to the Scottish Office

Home and Health Department for its funding of a study, part of

which is discussed here. We are also grateful to Simon Halliday

for his comments on an early draft of this article.


This article critically examines approaches to the production of

systems of support for discretionary legal decision-making. It

discusses a project to research and develop a Sentencing

Information System for the High Court in Scotland and examines

the wider theoretical implications of work to produce a system to

support discretionary decision-making.

Briefly placing the Scottish development in the context of world-

wide themes in sentencing reform, the article then focuses on

attempts to produce systems of computer support for sentencing:

both knowledge-based approaches and also database technology. It

then briefly describes the background of the Scottish system and

speculates on the present and future positions of the project.

Perhaps the most important question concerning systems of support

for discretionary decision-making is their ability to impact on

decision behaviour. We argue that although every case is unique

in some sense, it is necessarily possible to compare cases and

therefore to represent them as ‘similar’.

How, then, should this ‘similarity’ be represented ?

Traditionally, representations of similarity have tended to be

informed by ‘the legal-analytical’ paradigm. This privileges

official criminal law offence categories as the starting point

for representation and then ‘adds in’ further information to

describe the case analytically. We argue that systems based on

this paradigm may be limited in their representation of the

decision process. We suggest that these limitations may be

overcome by adopting an approach which tries to represent the

informal schema of understanding which decision-makers employ and

the holistic way in which they think about a case.

The Scottish project has possibly provided a glimpse of a more

holistic and schematic approach to representing ‘similarity’.

However, further study may help to provide a more complete

representation of the informal behavioural rules which govern

discretionary decision-making.



Is it possible to build a system of computer-support to aid the

discretionary decision-making process ? If so, how can that

process be understood and that understanding be most

appropriately represented ? This article discusses the

application of different conceptual approaches to information

technology to the judicial sentencing process. It discusses a

recent project to produce a prototype Sentencing Information

System (SIS) for the High Court of Justiciary in Scotland and to

study its feasibility. The article proceeds to discuss the

results of the study and prospects for the future. Its prospects

will depend crucially, among other things, on its reception by

judges themselves. The article therefore examines how the

conceptual content of computer programmes intended to support

legal decision-making can increase the likelihood of their

acceptance and usefulness to their Users.

Over the last twenty years, many Western jurisdictions have taken

various steps to reform the sentencing process (Ashworth, 1992b,

Tata, Hutton, Wilson and Paterson, 1995, Hutton and Tata 1995).

The following section sets the Scottish High Court prototype in

the context of international developments.



2 International Reforms in Sentencing

The primary aim of this wave of international reforms has been to

reduce disparity and promote consistency in sentencing (Ashworth,

1992a). Consistency in sentencing requires that like cases are

treated in a similar way and conversely that dissimilar cases

receive different sentences (Hutton, Paterson, Tata, and Wilson,


It has been the ‘just deserts’ approach to sentencing which has,

in part, influenced most of the approaches to sentencing reform

(Ashworth 1992a). This approach argues that sentence ought to be

proportionate to the seriousness of the offence and not based on

the character or past conduct of the offender (von Hirsch 1976,

1993). Reforms in Scandinavia have used a narrative form of

guidelines to guide sentencers as to how the principle of desert

should be properly applied (von Hirsch and Jareborg 1989, 1994).

Arguably, the Criminal Justice Act (1991) adopted a similar

approach for England and Wales. The US approach to sentencing

reform was to construct numerical guidelines which specified a

limited range of penalty for particular offence categories

(Wilkins et al 1978). These were introduced into a number of

state jurisdictions, the most well known being the Minnesota

Guidelines (Tonry 1987). U.S.-wide Federal Guidelines were

introduced in 1987. The relative inflexibility of numerical

guidelines considerably reduces the element of judicial

discretion in sentencing and they have thus not been popular

with judges (see Tonry, 1987, 1992 and 1993; Freed 1992; De

Benedictis 1993).

These U.S. guidelines were all formulated by a sentencing

commission or committee appointed by the government for the

purpose. Sentencing commissions have also been formed to provide

advice for governments, e.g. in Canada, the state of Victoria in

Australia and a number of US states (Ashworth 1992b). These have

had a very mixed reception from governments. The Canadian

guidelines have not been implemented while the Victorian

Sentencing Act was passed in 1991.


3 Computer support to aid sentencing decision making.

Computer systems which have been used to support sentencing

reforms include knowledge-based systems, both case-based and rule-

based approaches, and simpler database retrieval systems.

3.1 Knowledge-based approaches

Bench-Capon (1994) and Zelznikow and Hunter (1994) have argued in

favour of the development of computerised representation of legal

rules to assist decision-making. Zelznikow and Hunter (1994) take

the reader through a brief tour of legal theory in relation to

building intelligent information systems. They present a debate

between ‘Legal Positivists’ who argue that law can be represented

by "...a settled body of rules..." (p.63) and ‘Legal Realists’

who take "...a more extreme approach and reject the

categorisation of law as fundamentally about rules" (p.53).

Having acknowledged the centrality of the debate they introduce,

the authors conclude that "...the majority of cases should be

decided on something approaching a positivist approach." However,

this conclusion seems to be more as a result of a pragmatic

preference than of a theoretical argument, (other than to say

that strong legal realism is "...an unlikely conclusion and one

which many would not accept").

We would suggest that this positivistic rule-based approach to

decision-support systems is founded on a restrictive view of the

sentencing process as one which is fundamentally prescribed by

formal rules.1 There appears to be a presumption in the rule-

based approach that ‘rules’ are formal legal rules, rather than

behavioural rules (Hawkins 1992). This presumption ignores the

inter-connection between social and legal processes during

sentencing process. Reliance on such an approach may help to

explain the difficulties which confront the design and

application of current rule-based systems. (See for example,

difficulties reported by Hassett (1993) in producing a ‘Bail


A hybrid approach involving both rule based and case based

systems has been developed by Bain (1989). The programme begins

with an empty case-library and a handful of heuristics for

deciding sentences when no cases can be applied to a new

situation. After only a few cases, however, it begins to

retrieve ‘remindings’ of its own cases from memory and to modify

the strategies associated with those cases to form new sentences.

The idea of a case based reasoning system unsupported by

heuristics has also been used as a basis for modelling the

sentencing process. Murbach and Nonn (1991) report progress on a

project to develop a sentencing support system for fraud cases in

Canada. Their system provides information about penalties but

also includes information on case factors not included in the

categories of offence used in the penal code but agreed by judges

to be relevant to sentencing. There is thus an attempt to include

information which reflects judicial perceptions of seriousness in

order to make the system more sensitive and thus more useful to

sentencers. Computer technology has been used to assist these

reforms and to encourage greater consistency in sentencing.

ASSYST (Applied Sentencing systems) has been developed by the US

Federal Court system so that criminal justice personnel could

easily compute, record, archive and examine the implications of

the US Sentencing Commission Guidelines (Simon and Gaes 1989,

Simon, Gaes and Rhodes 1991).

Schild (1995) reports work in progress to develop a case-based

advisory system for sentencing. The domain knowledge was elicited

from a senior judge, and the system uses "hierarchical

discrimination trees" in order to retrieve relevant information.

Schild notes that ‘[i]t is obvious that the area of sentencing is

associated with an enormous amount of both common-sense and

domain knowledge.’ However, a model which would include this

knowledge was considered impracticable and so it was therefore

decided to use only the domain knowledge without any additional

‘common-sense knowledge’.(p232)

A part-simple retrieval system, part-expert system approach to

sentencing support has been reported by Bainbridge (1991). The

system focuses on sentencing practice in magistrate courts in

England and Wales and contains components covering sentencing law

and penalty statistics. The sentencing law component is

intended to assist the magistrate by checking that the chosen

sentence complies with relevant sentencing law. This part of

the system is arguably more like an expert-system than a simple

retrieval system, although it only answers the question, 'Is this

sentence legally competent?' rather than, 'What is the

appropriate sentence for this case?'. When a judge has selected

a legally competent sentence, it is then possible to consult the

penalty information section of the system. This shows the

distribution of penalties for the offence in the form of

probability calculations. Information is only available for two

statutory offences of theft and burglary and for only 600 cases

from four magistrate courts.

Database technology has been used in a number of large scale

information systems. Such systems, generally referred to as

'Sentencing Information System', have been implemented in a

variety of jurisdictions and used in practical, day-to-day basis

to support the sentencing process.


3.2 Sentencing Information Systems

A Sentencing Information System provides users with information

about the range of penalties which have been passed by the court

for similar cases in the past. The system allows the judge to

enter certain information into the computer about the case which

he is considering and the range and quantum of penalties passed

by the court for similar cases is displayed.

Formally, a Sentencing Information System is descriptive rather

than prescriptive. That is, it contains no guidance as to how a

sentencer might use this information to help in making the

sentencing decision in a particular case. A Sentencing

Information System (SIS) can display the range of sentences for

the particular combination of offence and offender

characteristics selected. The sentencer will have no guidance as

to what extent and in what direction the appropriate sentence for

the case at hand should vary from the average. This decision is a

matter for the discretionary judgement of the sentencer. However,

the frequency distribution indicates the highest and lowest

sentences previously passed for the type of case at hand. In a

well trodden area it might be assumed that a sentencer would

have to have good reasons for straying outside the upper and

lower limits, although there are no formal reasons why a

sentencer should not choose to do so nor does the SIS restrict

the sentencer’s choice in any way.

Jurisdictions in Canada and Australia have experimented with

Sentencing Information Systems. These are briefly described



3.2.1 Canada

3.2.2 Doob and Park System

One of the earliest systems was designed by Doob and Park in

Canada and it operated for six years in four provinces (British

Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland) (Doob and Park,

1987). By 1990 only the Saskatchewan system was still in

operation, in the latter stages, using only Court of Appeal

information. Anthony Doob has explained why he thinks judges did

not make sufficient use of the system. There are two main

reasons. First, judges in Canada had little interest in

information about current court practice. They are not accustomed

to using information in this numerical form nor does their legal

tradition give any weight to current sentencing practice. Second,

such authority as exists in sentencing comes from the Court of

Appeal. The Sentencing Information System carried no

institutional authority (Doob 1990).


3.2.3 The British Columbia System

This system operated in British Columbia from 1987 to 1992

(Hogarth, 1988) but is no longer operating. A private

communication with the IT director suggests there are two main

reasons. First, there was insufficient judicial consultation and

involvement, particularly in the early stages of the project.

Judges therefore felt that the information provided by the system

was not helpful to them. Second, the costs of the system,

although not revealed in detail, were very high. it appears that

the cost of data collection and of a very powerful main frame

computer were particularly high. Schild (1995) has suggested that

Hogarth’s system may be subject to criticism because "...the

statistical knowledge embodied...is based on a very small number

of characteristics. This does not suffice to express the actual

complexity of the sentencing process." He also criticises the

structure of system : it quickly runs out of cases since there

are no hierarchies between ‘variables’.


3.2.4 The New South Wales Sentencing Information System

The development of this system began in 1988. It includes

information on penalty statistics, sentencing law and information

about appeal case judgements. The system is administered by the

Judicial Commission of New South Wales. In addition to managing

the SIS the commission is also responsible for judicial

education and training and monitoring judicial conduct. The

commission is chaired by the Chief Justice. One of the main

functions of the Commission is to assist judges to achieve

consistency in sentencing without placing any limits on the

discretion that a court has in determining sentence.

Although there has been no systematic evaluation of the SIS,

reports from the Judicial Commission indicate that the system has

been well received by users and that there has been a steady

growth (at least as measured by the number of ‘log-ins’) in the

use made of the SIS (Potas 1991), (Chan 1991) (Spears 1993).


3.2.5 The Scottish Sentencing Information System

The initiative for this project came from the Lord Justice-

Clerk, the second most senior judge in Scotland, who had seen

the New South Wales system demonstrated in Canada at a Conference

of the Commonwealth of Learning and decided that it might be

useful to have a similar system for the High Court of Justiciary.

The Lord Justice Clerk approached the Law School at the

University of Strathclyde where there was existing relevant

expertise. The Scottish Office provided funding for a feasibility

study which ran from June 1993 to January 1995. The operation

and description of the taxonomic issues and how the resolution of

such issues was approached is documented elsewhere (Hutton, Tata

and Wilson 1995).

After due consideration of the report of the feasibility study,

the Scottish Courts Administration is currently funding (from

November 1995) the first phase in the implementation of the

prototype. This will involve the delivery of the system to up to

thirteen judges and on-going study by the judges of its utility

so as to identify weaknesses and areas needing further

development. This first phase of implementation will also begin

conceptual work on an Appeal Court Judgements Database to be

subsequently incorporated into the SIS.

In its White Paper (SOHHD 1994), the government welcomed the

Sentencing Information System initiative and indicated that if

it was workable and successful, similar systems might be

considered for the lower courts. It would therefore appear that

there is some government support for sentencing information

systems. While the future of the SIS seems to enjoy generally

strong judicial support there are perhaps two broad issues which

will require further attention.

First, unlike the New South Wales SIS, an operational Scottish

SIS may well need to enjoy direct institutional protection.

There does not yet appear to be any long-term plan for the system

to be run by a government body directly responsive to judicial

needs. In New South Wales, on the other hand, the SIS is

administered by the Judicial Commission of New South Wales. In

Scotland, however, the possible absence of a government body with

a direct interest in defending the system from criticism and

resource pressure may leave it vulnerable.

Secondly, given this possible future vulnerability to resource

pressures, it may be difficult to lobby for funding to improve

and expand the system in response to judicial requests for more

or different information. As with any computer system, the SIS

will require to evolve and improve over time. The apparent

ability of the New South Wales system to do this may help to

explain its longevity and apparent success compared with its

North American forebears.

One of the most intriguing questions which will need to be

explored will be the extent to which the introduction of

information technology will change the nature of sentencing

practice. Although there may be no formal requirement for judges

to consult the system and take note of its information, there may

be reasons for expecting that judges may feel informally

encouraged to use the system and indeed that it may significantly

impact on judicial sentencing behaviour. (For further explanation

of this point see Hutton, Tata and Wilson 1995).



4 How can the representations of knowledge enhance the utility of

decision-support systems for sentencers ?

Aside from questions of political support and the relationship

between information systems and judicial culture, a key question

must concern the conceptual character of a system intended to

support decision-making so strongly characterised by formal



4.1 Sentencing as a comparative process

The Uniqueness of Individual Cases

As we saw earlier, systems to support sentencing decision-making

tend to be based on the idea that a decision about a current case

can be aided by information about previous decisions for

‘similar’ cases. Of course, the ability to produce a system which

is meaningful to sentencing decision-makers must presuppose the

ability of the system, and those who programme it, to identify

cases as ‘similar’. Is this possible ? It is a judicial axiom of

sentencing that every case is unique and as such each must be

judged on its own facts (Ashworth, Genders, Mansfield, Peay and

Player 1984). Further, it is argued that because each case is

unique it is therefore not possible to compare one case with

another. We have argued elsewhere that this view is untenable

(Hutton, Paterson, Tata and Wilson 1996a). Moreover, the

illogicality of the view asserting that every cases is

incomparable was exposed by Hood (1962) writing over twenty years

ago :

"...[M]agistrates and judges frequently turn to precedent for

their ruling and place particular value on their experience in

sentencing. Now, if this experience is to be of value, then all

cases cannot be unique, they must be comparable at least in some

respects; and even if it is agreed that all cases are unique in

some sense, this cannot be decisive in the practice of

sentencing, for frequently decisions are reached with the aid of

‘experience’." (Hood (1962), p16,).

Although in one sense every case is unique (because each

individual, social situation and context are unique), it is

possible, at least in principle, to compare cases and therefore

to say that some cases are ‘similar’. The critical question,

then, must be: ‘how is ‘similarity to be understood?’ Traditional

academic understanding has largely been informed by ‘legal

analysis’. Attempts to construct systems of computer support for

sentencing decision-making have tended to be rooted in a paradigm

which is primarily legalistic in outlook and analytical in its

thinking. We would argue that systems based on this paradigm

offer at best only a partial understanding and therefore

computerised representation of ‘similarity’.


4.2 The Weakness of the Legal-Analytical Paradigm

What are the characteristics of the ‘Legal-Analytical’ paradigm

as it attempts to represent ‘similarity’ and what limitation do

they have? We address this question below by considering each

aspect of ‘legalism’ and ‘analysis’ in turn.

4.2.1 Legalism

In developing decision-support systems for judicial sentencing,

the starting point for representations of ‘similarity’ has tended

to be a legalistic one (Bainbridge 1991, Gruner 1991, Potas 1991,

Doob 1990). Systems search for ‘like’ cases or representations of

‘like’ cases primarily in terms of official legal convictions.

This is normally the starting point of the search for

Qsimilarity’. However, in designing the Scottish SIS we became

increasingly doubtful of the appropriateness of this approach.

>From our work with judges (Hutton, Paterson, Tata and Wilson

1996a) and previous research with sentencers (Ashworth et al

1984; Hogarth 1971; Hutton and Tata 1995) there was strong reason

to doubt the view that judges think primarily in terms of

classifications represented by official headline categories of

the official criminal law ‘headline’ offence.

Previous research (Fitzmaurice and Pease 1986, Ashworth et al

1984, Hood 1962, Hood 1992, Hutton and Tata 1995), shows that

sentencing is determined by far more than the legal definition of

the offence(s). Judges consider the circumstances surrounding the

commission of offences as important. This point is applicable to

both common law and statutory jurisdiction.

As in other countries where sentencing is conducted in a

predominantly common law jurisdiction, the strict common law

headline offence category often provides little information as to

the seriousness of the offence from the perspective of

sentencing. A sentencer must not only consider the common law

conviction, but also the circumstances of the events surrounding

the commission of the offence. The ‘headline’ offence(s) (for

example, ‘Robbery’, ‘Rape’, ‘Housebreaking’ ‘Theft’ etc.), with

which an offender is charged and convicted may be of limited

relevance in deciding sentence. Very frequently, the common law

headline conviction does not provide a sentencer with sufficient

information about the circumstances surrounding the commission of

the offence.

If common law offence classifications provide insufficient

information about the circumstances of an offence and its

attendant seriousness, it might be thought that statutory based

offences provide sufficient precision for the consideration of

sentence. After all, could the organisation of information not

simply replicate all offences as they appear in Acts of

Parliament? Aside from the practical considerations of operating

such a system, there is a conceptual difficulty. While the

creation of offences on the statute books are used to charge

persons, they may often of limited assistance when judges

consider sentence. It is not clear how to organise statutory

offences. (For further elaboration of this point, see Hutton,

Paterson, Tata and Wilson 1996).

Both our knowledge of the empirical literature on sentencing

(Fitzmaurice and Pease 1986, Ashworth et al 1984, Wilkins et al

1978) and consultation with judges strongly suggested that the

only sensible course of action would be to arrange offence

information in a way which is relevant to the purpose of

sentencing. This might consequently mean that the arrangements of

offences would not necessarily reflect the divisions within the

criminal law.

Thus the assumption that a system’s taxonomy should begin with

the official criminal law headline offence category is very

doubtful. Rather, the single most important criterion which

judges consider is not the official criminal offence category,

but its relative seriousness (Wilkins et al 1978, Fitzmaurice and

Pease 1986, Hutton and Tata 1995). Although decision-support

systems for sentencing have recognised the need to incorporate

information relating to offence seriousness, the organisation of

that information has still tended to priviledge a legalistic

starting point.


4.2.2 Analysis

While representations of similarity have tended to assume a

formal legalistic starting point, there has been a recognition

that there needs to be some account taken of ‘aggravating and

mitigating factors’ which describe the seriousness of the

headline conviction. Typically, having selected the ‘appropriate’

criminal law classification the judge is then invited to add in

standard aggravating or mitigating factors (Chan 1991; Hogarth

1988; Murbach and Nonn 1991). What is striking about this

approach is the additive and analytical nature of the

representation of similarity. We would suggest that this

analytical process of abstracting additive ‘factors’ from the

whole case is an artificial representation of similarity. The

abstraction of independent factors which purport to describe

seriousness denies the relational meaning of information in a

case. It assumes that a case can be meaningfully fragmented into

discrete and abstract individual factors which can be analysed as

if they each have a power independent of each other over the

decision process. However, ‘aggravating and mitigating factors’

only make practical sense to the sentencer in relation to each

other and to the whole case (Shapland 1981).

As an illustration, let us take one issue which has received

surprisingly little attention : cases where an offender is

convicted of more than one charge. The legal-analytical approach

would try to record each conviction separately, or, just one

‘main’ conviction. However, this does not appear to be they way

that sentencers tend to think about cases (Hutton, Paterson,

Tata, and Wilson 1995). In considering sentence, judges do not

seem to think about each conviction in a multi-charge indictment

in isolation from each other and from the circumstances of the

commission of the offences. Rather, they tend to view the case

as a whole incident or narrative of events (Alschuler 1991;

Parton, Hansel, and Stratton 1991). Therefore, in attempting to

reveal the process of the decision-making of sentencers,

empirical research has used sentencing vignettes (Ashworth et al

1984, Corkery 1992) rather than necessarily relying on criminal

law classifications which are necessarily limited in the relevant

information which they can offer the sentencer.

While the legal-analytical way of representing ‘similarity’ of

cases for the purposes of sentencing may be limited, is there a

possible alternative conception ? Below we suggest a possible



4.3 The need for a more schematic and holistic representation of


Judges frequently turn to the cumulative and evolved wisdom of

judicial experience represented by precedent for their decisions

and also place particular emphasis on their personal experience.

This ‘experience’ helps judges to interpret and schematise the

mass of information with which they are presented. In developing

this argument, let us consider research into discretionary legal

decision-making more generally.

It has been established by cognitive psychology that humans are

limited processors of information. From his field experimental

research into the psychology of decision-making in criminal

sentencing, van Duyne (1987) found that despite the considerable

discretion which it afforded, prosecutorial decision-making could

be characterised as "...one dimensional: the Prosecutor selected

out of the total information on the case only those aspects which

were consistent with a particular ‘dimension’ (e.g.

‘professional’, ‘social misfit’ or rehabilitation) and fitted

these into simple conceptual schema." (At p.147). Although the

prosecutor may make a few changes, the decision process remains

basically the same. Giller and Morris (1981) found that social

workers use ‘operational philosophies’ (the means by which

professional ideologies are mediated through the demands of

practice). "Having located the moral character of the case, the

social workers were able to respond with a repertoire of

provisions which routinely met the case as portrayed. In this

way, social work with offenders became ordered and rational and a

work priority was established. Decisions were not ‘made’; they

emerged as natural logical, even inevitable, responses to the

social worker’s interpretation of the case. But these

interpretations were part of a dialectic. What ‘explained’ the

moral character of the case also provided evidence of its

nature." [pp 79 - 80]. This finding is also confirmed by

research into problem-solving by other professionals, such as

doctors who have to make diagnoses. For example, Elstein et al

(1978) found that doctors appeared to do a simpler job than they

imagined, making use of simple conceptual schema. Van Duyne

(1987) concludes that the results from his study cast some doubt

on the claim that,

"...sentencing is a highly complex process solely directed to

‘unique’ decisions in ‘unique’ cases. Without suggesting that the

job of judges is just a matter of quick guesswork and routine,

gilded with pomp and ceremony, I would like to state that

judicial decision making is comparable to other kinds of open

problem solving2 such as the grading of works of art by a viewing

committee or the marking of an essay by a teacher. If sentencing

is difficult, it is because of its uncertainty, not because of

its complexity...In problem solving, [it is] necessary to

restrict the information to one manageable dimension in order to

avoid overload and uncertainty (Nesisser 1976). There is no

reason to assume that judges and prosecutors are a complex

subdivision of the human race deserving a theory of their own."

(pp 151-152).

The supposed model that decisions are in practice taken through a

legal-analytical process characterised by deductive linear

reasoning is doubtful. Rather like other problem-solvers, lawyers

and judges make use of experience to help them to schematise new

cases. For example, Crombag, Wijkerslooth and van Serooskerken

(1975) asked experienced legal problem-solvers to think aloud

while solving a concrete problem. They found that,

"[t]he most striking result was that what was said while thinking

aloud created a rather chaotic and unsystematic impression. Often

a person seemed to have a solution, although a provisional one,

at an early stage for which he subsequently tried to find

supporting arguments. Moreover, during the reasoning process, the

subject did not seem to complete one part after another, but

rather to jump wildly back and forth" (p.169).

Crombag, Wijkerslooth and Serooskerken argue that skilled legal

problem solvers are like other skilled problem-solvers in that

they tend to have a provisional solution in place early and to

work backwards. Curiously, however, Crombag, Wijkerslooth and

Serooskerken describe these results as "disappointing"(p.169).

Had they, perhaps, hoped that their experienced legal problem-

solvers might demonstrate a more legal-analytical process

displaying the supposed virtues of linear reasoning derived from

first principles ?

There is perhaps further reason to suppose that judges may not be

very different from other experienced problem-solvers in coming

to a broad view and then finding reasons to justify it. The

background experience of most judges in most adversarial law

jurisdictions is a career as lawyer. One of the main problems

which the lawyer has to solve routinely is to try to achieve a

favourable result for his client, (or, as in the case of

advocates for his solicitor’s client). The instrumentally-

rational craft of lawyering demands the location, understanding,

interpretation and marshaling of information towards a specific

goal. It may be reasonable to suppose that that the experience of

solving problems in this practically efficient way continues to

be useful to the lawyer who finds himself elevated to the bench.

After all few, if any, common law jurisdictions require judges to

begin the sentencing process from a process of pure legal-

analysis. Rather, judges are encouraged to use their practical

career experience in coming to a decision. As Ashworth et al

(1984) observe from their interviews with judges: "Most judges

described [the sentencing decision] as an instinctive process,

using such terms as ‘instinct’, ‘experience’, ‘hunch’ and

‘feeling’". The giving of publicly-declared reasons for a

decision tend to be couched in legal analytical terms. Has this

more to do with the necessity to fulfill a popularly-held

conception of justice than a revelation of the stream of

consciousness in the decision process? "If [official] reasons

[for decisions] have a place in court, it is because they are

defensible, not because they are true." (Fitzmaurice and Pease,


Therefore, a more schematic and holistic approach, (which the

Scottish SIS has labelled as ‘The Modified Approach’- see Hutton,

Tata and Wilson 1995), attempts to classify different types of

criminal conduct exclusively from the perspective of sentencing.

In the shape of this more schematic-holistic approach there may

be the ability for the SIS to more accurately capture the

practical nature of legal problem-solving than linear analytical

legal theory has supposed. The idea behind this approach is to

attempt to derive classifications from the mental schema around

which judges, like all decision-makers, tend to operate (van

Duyne 1987). Thus, rather than being more simplistic than strict

criminal law classifications, this approach may aggregate or

split legal constructs.


4.4 Is the schematic-holistic approach simplistic ?

It might be objected that the notion of a computer system which

retrieves cases on the basis of a very small number of selections

is too crude. Since it does not rely on official criminal law

categories as a necessary starting point, it might be argued that

such an approach overly-simplifies the intricate knowledge

represented in each case by the criminal law. The attempt to

produce such a typological representation of information about

offences may be thought to be overly simple since the very idea

of ‘types’ of cases denies the delicate and subtle complexities

of the ‘knowledge’ represented by the criminal law. However, to

make such an argument is to lose sight of the fact that this

officially defined ‘knowledge’, or ‘reality’ is itself

constructed for a particular purpose: securing convictions and

acquittals. All criminal convictions are themselves typologies

(Sudnow, 1964). Categories of criminal convictions do not, and

cannot, reflect the full precise occurrences of ‘what happened’

during a criminal incident or series of related incidents.

Rather, the criminal conviction for which a person may be

sentenced is necessarily the result of a simplified and

normalised representation of events. (Shapland 1987, Curran and

Chambers 1982, Giller and Morris 1981).

Let us take just one point in the criminal process as an example:

the drafting of charges by the prosecution. Charges are drafted

in a variety of ways which have the effect of continuing to

standardise and normalise reports of relatively complex human

behaviour. Charges are "...drafted in a standard way commonly

referred to by [prosecuting lawyers] as a style...[and it is

a]...process of assimilating prosecutorial norms and rendering

the unfamiliar familiar..."(Moody and Tombs, 1982 pp. 53-54).

Both Shapland (1981) and Ashworth et al (1984) suggest that what

legal rhetoric refers to as the ‘facts of the case’ should not

properly be regarded as ‘facts’ but as "...constructions of the

circumstances forming the offence, stemming from the

constructions made by the police (themselves very much negotiable

and influenced by the individual views of detectives and the

wishes of victims and witnesses) (Ericson 1981, Ericson 1982)."

(Shapland 1987). This ‘information throughput’ model, reveals

that the information with which a sentencer is presented has

already been pragmatically negotiated and refracted through a

series of legal and oragnisational lenses. It can never provide a

notionally objective and factual account of human behaviour, but

is necessarily a pragmatically constructed representation of it.

The nature of criminal events and criminals may be infinitely

unique but the nature of their legal representations from which a

sentencer must make a decision are necessarily finite, typical

and schematic. As an approach which is specifically designed for

the purpose of classifying information from the exclusive

perspective of sentencing, it may be a more sensitive taxonomic

tool than that designed by the criminal law and the addition of

abstracted ‘factors’.

The Scottish SIS also employs a ‘Principal Offence Approach’.

This approaches the retrieval of information about a case

involving more than one conviction by beginning with the most

serious (or principal) offence and then adding in further

information (including further convictions) about the offence-

related circumstance of the case This has tended to be a normal

way of approaching the building of an SIS (Hutton, Tata and

Wilson 1995). Although this approach does not necessarily begin

from a strictly legalistic starting point, it is fundamentally

analytical in nature. Although it has may attempt to overcome the

question of multiple convictions by positing a single offence as

the most serious it then ‘adds in’ information characterising

that offence. The Modified Approach on the other hand perhaps has

begun to suggest that it is possible to represent the schematic

and holistic process of discretionary decision-making The

Scottish SIS project has only scratched the surface of the kind

of questions which research needs to explore if it is to be the

basis of decision-support systems. Indeed, if, as we have

suggested, a schematic-holistic approach may fit more closely

with the reality of discretionary (legal) decision-making than

traditional legal analysis, then the development of the Scottish

SIS will itself have to explore these research questions further.


4.5 Is a schematic-holistic approach open to modelling by a

computer ?

Judges stress their treatment of cases as a ‘whole’ and the

‘feel’ for individual cases. There has been judicial resistance

to the attempt to represent sentencing according to some

mathematical model associated with the addition and subtraction

of ‘independent’ ‘factors’(Lovegrove 1989, Kapardis 1987, Wilkins

et al 1978). Does this mean that the schematic-holistic approach

which has been suggested is too informal, fluid and intangible to

be modelled by a computer ?

In trying to answer the question of whether computers can

understand legal reasoning, Tito (1987) succinctly states that,

"[c]omputers can only do what humans program them to do".

However, Tito presents two views of how lawyers decide : "[Do

lawyers]...apply rules to decide when two situations are similar

within a legal context? Or, do lawyers just get a ‘hunch’ or have

a flash of insight that alerts them to similarities?"[original

emphasis retained](p.411) Tito presents the latter as "ruleless"

and therefore not amenable to understanding by a computer because

they are not understandable to humans. However, we would suggest

that it is possible to argue and that the Scottish SIS project

has begun to demonstrate that legal decision-making may be both

felt to be based on an ‘instinctive hunch’ and amenable to rules.

Like other legal-analysts, Tito’s conception of ‘rules’ seems to

ignore the possibility of non-legal rules of behaviour (Hawkins

1992). However, legal decision-making can be both strongly

characterised by formal discretion and also produce decisions

that are patterned, predictable and comprehensible (Baumgartner

1992). Thus, any model of sentencing decision-making on which

decision-support system is based should attempt to seriously

study informal behavioural rules. We have suggested that this may

uncover a more holistic, schematic model rather than a legal-

analytical one.

Thus, it may not be the idea itself of a computer model of

decision-making based on some notion of ‘rules’ that presents a

difficulty, but the normally assumed interpretation and

representation of ‘rules’ as formal canon. Further research

examining informal behavioural processes and patterns, and their

inter-relationship with the formal context, is more likely to

help to understand the ‘rules’ of discretionary decision-making.


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Cyrus Tata is the Research Officer at the Centre for Law,

Computers and Technology, Law School, University of Strathclyde.

John N. Wilson is a Lecturer at the Department of Computer

Science, University of Strathclyde.

Neil Hutton is a Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Law, Computers

and Technology, Law School, University of Strathclyde.

Further information:

Cyrus Tata

Centre for Law, Computers and Technology, Law School, University

of Strathclyde, Glasgow, G4 ORQ. Telephone: 0141 552 4400. Fax :

0141 553 1546. E-Mail : cyrus@law.strath.ac.uk

John N. Wilson

Department of Computer Science, University of Strathclyde,

Glasgow, G4 ORQ. Telephone: 0141 552 4400. Fax : 0141 552 5330. E-

Mail : jnw@cs.strath.ac.uk

Neil Hutton

Centre for Law, Computers and Technology, Law School, University

of Strathclyde, Glasgow, G4 ORQ. Telephone: 0141 552 4400. Fax :

0141 553 1546. E-Mail : neil@law.strath.ac.uk


1 Hutton (1995) has argued that the sentencing decision is

characteristically substantive and irrational; as opposed to

formal and rational.

2 An ‘open problem’ is characterised as one where the

problem-solver cannot objectively and irrefutably determine

whether his or her solution is the correct one.