Interlegis: Virtual Network of Communication and Information That Enlarges Brazil?s Democracy and Citizenship

PoreGov- Postado em 04 março 2011

HOESCHL, Hugo Cesar
TIECHER, Adilson Luiz
ZIMATH, Patrícia Bonina


This article aims to present the Interlegis program developed by the
Brazil National Congress, in association with Interamerican Development Bank
(IDB), which is about modernization and Integration of the Legislative
command, in its federal, state and municipal levels and about promotion of the
transparency and interaction of this command with society. The ways used are
the new information technologies (internet, videoconferences and data
transmission), that allow communication and exchange of experiences between
the legislative houses and legislators and between the legislative and the public,
seeking to raise the participation of the people on the legislative process.

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