Electronic government from the legal point of view: methods

Porbiblioteca- Postado em 23 fevereiro 2010


Electronic government from the legal point of view: methods.Fernando Galindo
International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, 1364-6885, Volume 18, Issue 1, 2004, Pages 7 – 23

This paper analyses the working methods used by those jurists who are dedicated to the drafting of proposals for Electronic Government. As will be shown by several practical examples, the best method to perform this task—and, in general, to deal with an innovation such as Electronic Government—consists of proposing, to those interested, a detailed and careful research of the legal activities enabling and improving the reality behind this name. This should be considered as the starting point to building up coherent regulation proposals, in compliance with the fact of the Electronic Government and the rules appropriate to a democratic Stat

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